Great Charity Challenge Celebrates 15 Years with $2.2M Distributed to Local Non-Profits

Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by adminahb

Photo © Sportfot

Wellington, FL (3/16/24) — Celebrating a momentous achievement, the 15th Annual Great Charity Challenge, sponsored by Fidelity Investments® (GCC), has triumphantly donated over $2 million to over 60 nonprofits and 12 schools in Palm Beach County. On the evening of February 3, 2024, at Wellington International in Wellington, FL, it was a remarkable gathering that promised to positively affect 132,288 lives, thanks to the generosity of more than 100 benefactors.

In a vivid display of community solidarity, the GCC distributed grants from $100,000 to $15,000 to 33 nonprofits and 12 schools, directly bettering 110,488 lives. Furthermore, 35 additional nonprofits received grants up to $200,000, set to impact 21,800 more lives.

“Due to the incredible amount of funds raised, donations were able to go in many different directions and be focused on gaps in the community, as well as promote partnerships and long-lasting sustainable impact rather than just immediate programs,” comments Kelly Arani, Event and Marketing Director.

With a nostalgic nod to timeless TV shows as its theme, the GCC has been a force for good for the past 15 years, having now surpassed $20 million in donations to more than 300 nonprofits. The community’s eagerness to contribute mirrors a collective dedication to positive change — a sentiment deeply appreciated by the GCC team.

Post-event, strategic discussions with pivotal organizations like the United Way of Palm Beach County, Spirit of Giving, and the Village of Wellington have been organized to conduct a thorough needs assessment. An additional quarter-million dollars in grants is slated for distribution in the next quarter to address the community’s most pressing needs.

The GCC remains a highlight of the Winter Equestrian Festival’s Saturday nights, uniting equestrians and locals alike for a common cause. To date, the initiative has allocated over $21.6 million to 387 nonprofits in Palm Beach County. “It is inspiring to think about the new heights this event has reached and can reach with the help of our community as the needs in our community evolve over time,” comments Anne Caroline.

We extend an invitation to witness firsthand the impact of the funding across 60+ deserving organizations. For a detailed report on the intended use of the funds, please visit:

Highlighted impacts of the funding include:

  • Nat King Cole Generation Hope’s receipt of $100,000 to enhance their music education programs.
  • Healthy Mother’s Healthy Babies Coalition’s $90,000 supporting their emergency pantry for infants.
  • Hanley Foundation allocating $40,000 for financial aid to individuals seeking sobriety.
  • Chasin a Dream Foundation directing $30,000 to their Critical Need Program to aid families with children confronting serious illnesses.
  • Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League utilizing a $19,500 grant for their Safety Net Program to assist pet owners facing economic challenges.

The GCC underlines the importance of sustainable non-profit operations by granting unrestricted funds, ensuring at least 75% of all distributed funds continue to benefit the local community. The release of donations follows an in-depth evaluation of the nonprofits’ intended fund use plans, with quarterly reports set to keep donors and the community informed of local progress and achievements.

“We were astounded by the outpouring of support that helped us reach this year’s $2 million goal. We’re immensely thankful to our sponsors, donors, riders, and Wellington International for their unwavering support and commitment to community betterment,” expressed Anne Caroline Valtin, the Executive Director.

Stay up to date with the latest news, event details, the 2025 application process, and sponsorship opportunities by visiting

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