Stop Funding Failure That Is Killing Wild Horses – Fund Proven Success Instead

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by adminahb

By William E. Simpson II, Wild Horse Fire Brigade

Are wild horse advocates paying attention to the data and facts? Or just going along with ridiculous yet deadly trends?

9 years ago, I predicted the current situation in writing, in an article published by HorseTalk NZ.

Some people argued back then that Fertility Control would stop roundups… they were conned by some wild horse advocates and Orgs and the BLM, all making money off the plight of wild horses.

Looking back over the past 30 years, and even over the last 3 years, the use of Chemical Sterilization (a.k.a.: Fertility Control) has NOT STOPPED ANY ROUNDUPS!

Learn more in this 2-minute video.

In fact, roundups have intensified over the past 3 years, and wild horses are now teetering on the cliff of genetic bottlenecking due to genetic erosion, thanks to Orgs like the *greedy American Wild Horse Campaign (a.k.a.: Wild Horse Conservation). (*2022 IRS 990s show them sitting on over $5M in assets almost doubling year over year!)

Three years ago, I once again predicted in writing the situation that has unfolded today! 

For the sake of the survival of wild horses, please read and share this important article.

Today, 9 years later, after a massive group email warning wild horse advocates way back then, people are finally starting to catch on as roundups have intensified to levels never seen before, coupled with Slaughter and unfettered abuses by the Government.

RESULTS is all that matters for wild horses in deep trouble, NOT TALK!

Wild Horse Fire Brigade is the ONLY wild horse Org that:

>Saved and protected an entire herd of heritage wild horses using a legal method.  We now own, naturally manage, and protect 150 Heritage wild horses that have lived on the OR/CA border for centuries.

Wild Horse Fire Brigade is the ONLY wild horse Org that:

> Successfully rewilded nearly 100 wild horses that were headed to slaughter, which includes the 65 we rewilded in 2023.

And we are working on implementing a collaborative pilot to rewild 1,000 horses at risk in Nevada and move them off that economic battlefield into an appropriate wilderness outside Nevada.

Wild Horse Fire Brigade is the ONLY wild horse Org that:

>Teaches a successful wild horse ecology ethology and equine wildfire fuels field study/research program, managed via a university and equine PhD with CAL STATE Univ.  Our Org funds the program with CAL STATE students.

Wild Horse Fire Brigade is the ONLY wild horse Org that:

>Has proven (during an actual wildfire) that wild horses can mitigate wildfire via fuels management and studied wild horse behavior during an actual wildfire.

Your donations have helped us accomplish these things and more.

However, even though we are an all-volunteer org and we receive NO salaries like some others (we do it because it’s the right thing to do), we must fund the costs of our multiple effective programs. And we are growing, so our hard costs are also growing!  We are totally dependent upon donations to continue these critically important programs.


Please go to our secure PayPal portal and make a donation today that will have a positive effect! We can accept any credit or debit cards at our secure PayPal link:

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