Clydesdales, WIHS Shetland Pony Steeplechase, Radnor Hunt Fox Hounds, and More

Last Updated on May 6, 2023 by adminahb

Devon, Pa. – May 1, 2023 – The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair has announced the exhibitions for 2023. Known for its rich history and prestige, The Devon Horse Show is excited to welcome these exhibitions throughout the duration of the show.

The Budweiser Clydesdales

A great American Tradition celebrating their 90th Anniversary, the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales are scheduled to appear again here at Devon. The high stepping Budweiser bays are one of the most recognized corporate symbols on the planet. The Budweiser will appear Thursday June 1st through Saturday June 3rd, approximately 6:55pm each evening.

Kindle Hill Foundation Natural Horsemanship

Join Kindle Hill Foundation’s founder, Saly Glassman, acclaimed Natural Horseman Don Jessop, and local equine partner, Emma Holliday, for a unique exhibition in the Dixon Oval on May 27th, 2023 around 12:00 noon. Whether you’re a rider, trainer, or someone who just enjoys horses, this is a great opportunity to learn more about the remarkable equine-human connection. Saly, Don, and Emma will share their wisdom and experience and, of course, their special equine partners.

Kindle Hill Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that serves our community, particularly first responders, through equine-assisted learning and therapy to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Radnor Fox Hunt Hounds

Foxhunting is the traditional sport of mounted riders chasing wild quarry with a pack of hounds. Founded in 1883, Radnor Hunt is the oldest continuously active foxhunt in the United States. During the exhibition, members of the hunt will demonstrate some of the skills they use out in the hunt field. Navigating a horse through a pack of hounds, dealing with trappy terrain, and riding as a group are skills you’ll see ably demonstrated Saturday Evening, May 27.

WIHS Shetland Pony Steeplechase

And they’re off! Pint-sized jockeys and Shetland Ponies will be lining up in the Dixon Oval on Sunday May 28th and Monday May 29 for the start of the 2023 WIHS Shetland Pony Steeplechase Championship Series, presented by Charles Owen. The Devon Horse Show will once again host the first leg of this special “mini-series,” which will culminate at the Washington International Horse Show at Show Place Arena at Prince George’s Equestrian Center, October 23-29, 2023.

First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry

This purely volunteer cavalry troop was the first organized in defense of the colonies. Today the Troop is certainly the oldest mounted military unit and quite possibly the oldest military unit of any kind that has been in continuous service to the Republic. The times that called it into being and the character of the origin members who fought through the seven years of the American Revolution together forged concepts of service and a body of tradition that have given it a continuity of purpose since 1774. Performance on Monday May 29 as part of the Tribute to Heroes event.

Valley Forge Military Academy Color Guard

Valley Forge Military Academy & College has strong equestrian tradition, dating back to the school’s establishment in 1928. The D Troop us a close-knit company comprised of both Academy and College cadets who are taught basic horsemanship and hunt seat equitation from the ground up. Performance prior to Grand Prix, Thursday June 1.

PA Mounted State Police

The department maintains a stable at its training academy in Hersey and relies on donations to fill a complement of 28 horses. The animals are deployed statewide for searches, crowd control, security, and patrol of remote areas. PA mounted state police – Performing Friday, June 2.

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