Great Pyrenees Grooming Tips – You Gotta Have SPECIAL Techniques for Large Breed Dogs

Large breed dogs pose special grooming dilemmas. You need Great Pyrenees grooming tips. The Great Pyrenees and other Bernard family members have cornered the market on that special combination of girth and hair. Without a regimented grooming routine the Pyrenees’ flowing white locks can easily morph, soon resembling an electrocuted Komondor on steroids. One obstacle …

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You Need to Know When It’s Time to Bug Out

Those who are prepared for survival situations know that a bug out may come. A bug out is exactly how it sounds. It means it’s time to get out of dodge. Bugging out may mean you’ll have to get where you’re going by walking. You Must Be Prepared When You Pack! If this is the …

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Do You Feel Guilty for Having Interests or Hobbies of Your Own?

Don’t Feel Guilty The hustle culture surrounding you can sometimes make you feel guilty for having interests or hobbies of your own, especially if it takes you away from your career or your family. Sadly, this is truer for women than for men, but sadly, men are also catching up to being overworked like most …

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S.M.A.R.T Plans for Survival Preppers, Part 2

Measurable Prepping Is Crucial to Your Survival When applying S.M.A.R.T. goals to your prepping efforts, you must focus on ensuring that your actions are measurable. If you’re randomly prepping and stocking up on things, you won’t ever know if or when you’re sufficiently ready to handle a SHTF event. So, how do you measure your …

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A Guide to Movable Micro Homesteads. Survival Prepping

Micro-movable homesteads are on the rise for survival prepping. The cost of living has continued to rise, and the size and prices of homes have grown right along with it. Huge homes are located in almost every neighborhood in cities and small towns. The accumulation of things to fill these homes is unprecedented. While this …

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J.R. Khan. My 18 Hand European Warmblood Who Taught Me Dressage

Junior. Khan. Jr Khan. J. R. Khan. I called him Khan. He looked kingly and regal to me. He was soooo big! Six feet tall at the withers. He was my boy. I bought Khan when I was tired of waiting for the EPM that barefoot Rocki was diagnosed with when she stumbled in the …

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S.M.A.R.T. Plans for Survival Preppers, Part I

There’s an old saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” As someone who is engaged in survival prepping, that saying might not seem as if it applies to you. After all, you’re digging into the topic to see how you can best prepare for any disaster and protect your family – and you should be applauded for that.

Books about Survival and The (Atomic) Bomb

Starting as a 13-year-old, I read a bunch of apocalypse novels, mostly of the nuclear type. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank was maybe my first. From the age of 3 I started reading every horse book that had been printed. Bi-weekly trips to the library kept me satiated. After my father built our house, we …

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Survival Prepping, End-of-Times, Apocalypse Planning, and The Bomb

I’ve always been into survival prepping, end-of-times, apocalypse planning and The Bomb. I grew up in the 50s during the Cold War and the nuclear bomb was scary . Our 30 acres was designed for self-sufficiency and to live off of the land. Yes, we worried about The (Atomic) Bomb. An Original Survivalist I get …

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