S.M.A.R.T. Plans for Survival Preppers, Part I

There’s an old saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” As someone who is engaged in survival prepping, that saying might not seem as if it applies to you. After all, you’re digging into the topic to see how you can best prepare for any disaster and protect your family – and you should be applauded for that.

Books about Survival and The (Atomic) Bomb

Starting as a 13-year-old, I read a bunch of apocalypse novels, mostly of the nuclear type. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank was maybe my first. From the age of 3 I started reading every horse book that had been printed. Bi-weekly trips to the library kept me satiated. After my father built our house, we …

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Survival Prepping, End-of-Times, Apocalypse Planning, and The Bomb

I’ve always been into survival prepping, end-of-times, apocalypse planning and The Bomb. I grew up in the 50s during the Cold War and the nuclear bomb was scary . Our 30 acres was designed for self-sufficiency and to live off of the land. Yes, we worried about The (Atomic) Bomb. An Original Survivalist I get …

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About Me – Early Days

I was born and grew up on the south side of Jacksonville, Florida in the beautiful Mandarin area. I attended Loretto Elementary, DuPont Junior High, and Wolfson Senior High. I was a swimming nerd since my mom taught swimming lessons in our large natural pool built by my father, who also built our house (more …

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