LA Fires: Can Saving Wild Horses Help Reduce Loss of Life and Economic Losses?

By: William E. Simpson II The devastating grass and brush fueled wildfires in Los Angeles we are all witnessing may be just a glimpse of the upcoming summer in the western United States, unless we start doing something new and cost-effective. Funding and doing more of what hasn’t worked is a guarantee for failure. And …

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Wild Horse Fire Brigade Updates

Maybe you can imagine the frustration of having a vaccine that is proven to cure cancer, but not having the money to produce and distribute the cure.  Even as people are dying. That is the kind of frustration that we are dealing with in regard to saving wild horses!  We have the cure for the …

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California Nonprofit Offers Nature Based Solution for Catastrophic Wildfires That Sequesters Carbon

YREKA, CA, US, March 8, 2023 / — Wild Horse Fire Brigade (WHFB) is a California based all volunteer 501c3 nonprofit public benefit corporation that has developed a novel “nature based” solution that will help prevent catastrophic wildfire, and at the same time help save and protect America’s wild horses. This innovative plan also reduces …

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Record Precipitation Sets Stage for Record Grass and Brush Wildfire Fuel Growth

Mitigation Possible with Wild Horses YREKA, CA, US, January 13, 2023 / — Over the past 60 days of winter (2022 2023) western states of California and Oregon have seen well above normal precipitation, primarily in California, according to a report by Reuters. Some rain and snowfall records are being broken with even more precipitation …

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EQUUS Film & Arts Festival Presents a TED-like Talk about How Wild Horses Manage Wildfire Fuels

On Saturday Dec. 3rd at 10:00 AM, EQUUS Film & Arts Festival will present a TED-like talk about Wild Horse Fire Brigade at the historical Guild Theater in Sacramento California. Wild horse ethologist and researcher William E. Simpson II will speak about how wild horses cost effectively manage wildfire fuels, make trees more fire resilient, …

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