More Mustangs Rewilded by Wild Horse Fire Brigade and an Extended Team of Great People

Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by Teri Rehkopf

Photo: William E. Simpson II.

Here is the latest video posted on our Twitter page about 6 more mustangs that were saved from the kill pens and are now safely rewilded in a wilderness area:

Please help us grow the Wild Horse Fire Brigade (‘WHFB’) plan to save our forests, wildlife (and habitat), and watersheds, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and humanely save wild horses, all in one move using our novel, proven plan (tested by actual wildfire in 2018).

More about WHFB here:

As time permits, we will be producing a short video showing the process and the dedicated, selfless people it takes to monitor kill auctions, raise money, bail horses out, transport, and arrange for quarantine (QT) and vet health certificates for horses, feeding during QT (30-45 days), evaluating horses to determine which ones are properly suited to rewilding, and finally transportation to a suitable wilderness location for rewilding.

Working with an extended team of amazing selfless dedicated volunteers, our nonprofit is providing our overview and guidance that has helped return what was stolen from these wild horses/mustangs: their freedom. At full scale using our plan and experience, with proper support and funding, we can do the same for thousands of wild horses/mustangs, and in the process, reduce catastrophic wildfires.

Through our larger vision and regional/national plan, we intend to scale up our rewilding program into several counties and states on the American west coast, where rewilded wild horses will reduce wildfire fuels and thereby reduce the frequency, size, and intensity of catastrophic wildfires.

Unlike any other nonprofit wild horse and burro org. in America today, our organization is uniquely qualified for this mission. Our team and Advocacy Board is made up of dedicated volunteers, each with specialized real-world empirical experience, which is absolutely required for the proper outcome.

The Wild Horse Fire Brigade plan incorporates multiple disciplines in natural resource management and science.

This is not about moving horses from one corral to another. Wild Horse Fire Brigade is about reestablishing wild horses as north American keystone herbivores into wilderness areas that are both ecologically and economically appropriate, and that takes the kind of experience that only comes from working in wildlife law, forestry, fisheries, wildfire, and with the wild horse ecology of free-roaming wild horses in wilderness.

Our nonprofit is the only one in America today with a team that has that aggregate of experience to see this through properly. Wild Horse Fire Brigade Org. is an all-volunteer California-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, with our research station at Wild Horse Ranch in the mountain wilderness area on the California-Oregon border.

Your generous financial support will support our vision to save remaining American wild horses, and also help more mustangs regain their freedom. Please consider a one-time or monthly contribution to our work via our ‘CHIP IN’ page, here:

Note: In 2019, Simpson was nominated to serve on the BLM’s WHB Advisory Board. He was not seated because he would not consent to the ongoing mismanagement of American wild horses. Some of his nomination letters of reference can be read at this PDF:

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